A downloadable book

Oh, I Hate Spiders! is a 2-hour 5e OGL adventure, suitable for 3-5 characters at 3rd level. Here the characters meet the ponderous, oblivious, disastrous (and recently suspended) Professor Humbert Drumsley. And, of course, he needs help with something. God, he always needs help with something. Ok fine, just one more time!

Humbert was studying a sac of phase spider eggs in the basement of a local tavern, when he suddenly had to abandon his research. Because they were about to hatch. But don't worry, he didn't tell anyone. Probably everything is just fine, these things have a way of working themselves out. Well, now the entire place is infested, the tavern is empty, and the building is filled with ethereal fog!

"Just bring back a few live specimens," he says. "It'll be easy," he says. Humbert. What a thoughtless jerk.

Inside this adventure you can find:

  • Professor Humbert Drumsley – Introduce your players to Humbert, a error-prone mage, and a sure-fire catalyst for adventure
  • Copper Carrot Tavern – The local tavern, run by the bartender Margo, and the site of the phase spider hatchling infestation. The adventure also features a map of the ground level of the building
  • 3 all-new magic items – Arm your players with a bag of wardstones and some wardstone jars. They may even decide to buy the phase belt (no refunds!)
  • A side-trek romp – Take some of the pressure of your campaign with a fun little side trek. Don't worry, the characters can't do much more damage than Humbert already has...

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John Scott and Terry Herc - Oh I Hate Spiders.pdf 1.4 MB

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